google-site-verification= google-site-verification=ajj-fDBbZNjFfVC9cJVB5uneoHoaefxW7hkqqW2JeIY Pennyroyal - Mosquito Herb Plants *Buy Best !! – Asparagus Roots For Sale

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Pennyroyal easyand fast to plants. Great fresh smell. Plant in your garden or hang in a basket. Keeps bugs away.

Pennyroyal - Mosquito Herb Plants *Buy Best !!

Regular price $15.00
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3 - Pennyroyal - Mosquito Herb Plants

3 - $15.00 - Penny royal is also known as the Mosquito herb plant. Pennyroyal is a creeping herb perennial with small, lilac flowers at the ends of the stems. She flowers from June - October. Pennyroyal is the smallest of the mint family plants and very aromatic. Gardening with Pennyroyal plants is fast easy and fun. Grow Pennyroyal plants in a contain or hanging basket. The benefits of gardening with organic Penny royal are many. First image your patio  or garden or favorite pet with no fleas or mosquitoes.

Red Wiggler Composting Garden Worms- No Garden Should Be With Out!

Red Wiggler Worms work hard keeping your garden healthy. They till the soil. Add bacteria to the compost to help break it down so plants can eat it. Eat bad fungi and pooh and add compost to your compost. Buy Red Wigglers and let them do the gardening work for you

Pennyroyal is a garden delight as she keeps fleas and mosquitoes from away from your garden and pests off of your pets. Planting Pennyroyal is fast and easy. Growing Penny royal is a true garden delight. Just plant and let her grow. Buy plenty of Penny royal and keep those garden pests insects off of you out of your garden and pets.

Skip Jack Fish Emulsion Organic Plant Food Where to buy near me- buy best buy now 100% Fish 100% Organic

Skip Jack Fish Emulsion Plant Fertilizer - 100% Fish - 100 % Organic

Skip Jack Fish Emulsion has 100's of bacteria and fungi that work diligently to breakdown the compost in your soil . Plants do not use forks and knives. Therefore, the compost must be broken down to a liquid . And Skip Jack Fish Emulsion does just that. No garden should be without Skip Jack Fish Emulsion fertilizer. Buy now before it is all gone.